Treatments / Lip Blushing

Lip Blushing

The Lip Enhancement or Lip Blushing is a form of tattooing the lips to create a natural lip color and more defined lip line. The treatment involves lining and shading the lips to achieve a natural-looking lip tint. The Lip Enhancement is not a lipstick look but more of a lip tint effect.
With Permanent makeup we can not tattoo Plums or Brown Nudes to the lips. These colors will not age well over time. We can and often do a lot of pinkish-nudes and reds with a plum tint to them.
Due to the high risk of post-inflammatory pigmentation (brown spots) the client with darker lips, typically a Fitzpartick Skin Type 4 or above will need a neutralization lip blushing first. Please schedule a consultation if you are unsure if you are a good candidate for this service.

lip blushing Longevity

Lip Blushing can last 2 to 4 years depending on skin type, lifestyle, and age.

Many factors will contribute to your fading, the major factors being skin type, products used, sweat, and sun. Drier skin does hold pigment better than oily skin. If you tend to use facial products that contain acids (Rentin-A, age defying products, or acne products) on a regular basis, your pigment may not last as long as someone not using those products. The same is true for clients that receive laser treatments or chemical peels on a regular basis. Fading is also dependent on how much you sweat and your time in the sun. If you happen to be an avid workout person, or someone who sweats a lot daily, please note that this will eat up your pigment quicker. As well as, sun exposure can break our pigment molecules in which the body can then metabolize the pigment faster. SPF is always advised if you plan to be in the sun.

Our Artists Offering LIP BLUSHING Treatments
Lip Blushing Examples
Common LIP BLUSHING Questions

Lip filler can be done 4 weeks before or after the appointment. If you have the filler done before their lip blushing appointment, swelling may increase and the filler may not last as long because of the tattooing. It is a personal preference to each client as to when they get filler.

Yes, any trauma to the lips can cause a flare up. If you are concerned about cold sores you can speak with your doctor about starting valtrex prior to your appointment. We do recommend this for all clients as a preventative measure. If you get cold sores regularly you may not be a good candidate for the lip blushing

Bring a few lip colors that you like or wear often! We love to see what you are using! If you don’t have anything in mind the artist can help pick a shade to suit your lips.

  • Clients must be 18 years of age or older

  • If you have previous permanent makeup of any kind. The old must be very light in order for it to show up over top of the old permanent makeup. We ask that you send us a picture or schedule a consultation before booking to ensure a successful appointment.

  • Must not have any skin irritations or skin condition on or near the permanent makeup area. This includes eczema, psoriasis, rashes, or contact dermatitis. Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • We recommend being finished breastfeeding for at least 12 weeks for the most ideal healed results. This allows hormones to rebalance.

  • If you are going through chemotherapy you must speak with your doctor, and it must be 4-6 months after you’ve completed your chemo treatments.

  • Clients who are anemic, have blood deficiencies or iron deficiencies struggle to heal and retain pigment well.

  • Permanent makeup is not ideal for clients who are in the sun or tan regularly. Not only does it fade the pigment faster, but the sun also fades certain colors in the pigment first. Meaning you can get an off color quicker (turning ashy and cool toned).

  • Must not have used Accutane for a minimum of 1 year Must not be using any Retin-A, Retinol, or any acid product for 4 weeks before your appointment.


To ensure the best healed results and to receive the treatment it is very important to follow the pre-care instructions. Failure to do so will directly affect the healed results.
Due to the high risk of post inflammatory pigmentation (brown spots) the Lip Blushing is clients with darker lips typically a Fitzpatrick Skin Types 4 and above will need a neutralization lip blushing first. Please schedule a consultation if you are unsure if you are a good candidate for this treatment.

6-Weeks: Stop the use of any Retinol products, chemical peels, Laser treatments, Microneedling, or any resurfacing treatment during the 6 weeks prior to the appointment. If you have used Accutane, you must wait 1 year before having the treatment done.

5-Days: Stop the use of any products that are not medically prescribed that thin the blood. Aspirin, Advil, ibuprofen, or Fish Oils should be stopped if possible 5 days prior. Tylenol can be taken for aches and pains within 5 days. Discontinue the use of any age defying products that may contain any acids.

3 Days Before: Moisturize the lips regularly. Dry lips will not take the color properly so it is important not to skip this step.

24-hours: Please limit any alcohol the night before and limit caffeine and/or coffee the day of the treatment. One cup of coffee or caffeine is okay. No tanning within 24 hours of the treatment


Please consider all the rules below when booking your appointment. Keep in mind any vacations, events, facial appointments, or outings that would interfere with the recommended aftercare in order to avoid any unwanted healed results.

No heavy sweating for a minimum of 4 days. Sweat is salt, we use salt to remove permanent makeup. Please avoid sweating during the after care phase to ensure the best result. If you are an avid workout person (4+ times a week) know that your permanent makeup may fade out at a faster rate and earlier refreshments may be needed.

No swimming for 7 days after your treatment.

Avoid the use of any facial products (e.g. anti-aging creams or acne products) that would contain any acids and retinoids until after you have completely healed, 4-6 weeks from you touch up appointment.

Avoid any facials, chemical peels, laser treatments, or resurfacing treatments until after you have completely healed 4-6 weeks from your touch up appointment. The more aggressive the treatment you are desiring, whether it be an advanced chemical peel or resurfacing treatment, the more time that is needed after the permanent makeup treatment.

No tanning for 4-6 weeks after the treatment. Tanning during the healing process can negatively affect the retention and cause hyperpigmentation (brown spots) on the lips. It’s always a good idea to use a lip balm with an SPF to protect the lips after day 7 of healing is completed.

Healing Schedule

As long as you follow our after care instructions which will be given to you at the time of the appointment. Your healing process will be very simple and take about 7 days for the eyeliner.

Day 1:

Your lip color may appear brighter and due to increased blood flow the color may not appear as the color chosen. So clients swell while others don’t. If swelling occurs it will last for a couple hours after the appointment.

Day 2:

Your color may begin to darken temporarily throughout the day as the pigment oxidizes.

Day 3-4:

Your lips will feel dry and start the flaking process. Allow shedding to happen naturally. You will be using a balm daily to avoid the lips from getting dry.

Day 5-6:

As your lips flake it will appear your lip color is very light and “frosty”. This is only temporary; you are still healing.

Day 7:

Over the next few weeks your lip color can look very light or non existent until color fully blooms at 8 weeks. *For dark lips or neutralization lips the opposite can happen, the lips will appear darker than before.

7-8 weeks:

The color has slowly returned by week 8. The lips are fully healed. *You can use any lipstick or gloss that you like after day 7 of healing has completed.